The Quantity per serve state how many calories, grams (g) and milligrams (mg) of nutrients are present in your plate.
The % DV represents the percentage of the Daily Value for each nutrient in a serving, based on a diet of 1600 kcal for women (pink) and 2000 kcal for men (light blue). Normal value is is between 5% to 20%
Go for a meal of around 300 to 500 Kcal.
The daily amount of protein for a healthy individual is 0.8-1g for every kg of body weight.
744 Kcal | 47 - 37 |
77g | 35 - 26 |
8g | 11 - 9 |
7.3g | 29 - 29 |
23g | - |
38g | 76 - 58 |
29.2g | 190 - 145 |
234mg | 78 - 78 |
1459mg | 61 - 61 |
Here you can find the Calorie burning time: an idea of how many minutes of exercise are necessary in order to burn the calories of the dish. Values are referred to:
The daily amount of protein for a healthy individual is 0.8-1g for every kg of body weight.
Information about the presence of common Food allergens: grains containing gluten, shellfish and fish, eggs, peanuts, soy, cow’s milk.The daily amount of protein for a healthy individual is 0.8-1g for every kg of body weight.