What exactly is the Keto Diet?
The Keto Diet is a very low or no carbs diet which induce ketosis, a metabolic state in which the body is forced to burns fat for energy instead of carbohydrates.
How doable is it?
The keto diet is not easy to manage and the rate of quick drop-off is very high due to his rigidity. Since the keto diet requires the body to remain in a state of ketosis, there is a very little margin for error.
What exactly can you eat on the Keto Diet?
The food allowed in a keto diet include meats, poultry, fish and other seafood, eggs, cheese and plain yogurt, nuts, low-carb vegetables and fats. Grains, beans, fruits and alcohol are eliminated.
What are the benefits?
Some studies shown that the keto diet is more effective in improving triglyceride level, reducing body weight, control type 2 diabetes, lowering the LDL cholesterol and lower the blood pressure when compared to a low fat diet. However in some other studies the results seen are sligthly similar, so the effect of both diets is pretty the same. Overall, ketogenic research is limited, and more studies are needed to fully understand the potential adverse effect and health benefit. What is well known is that the Keto diet can be helpful in treating epilepsy, but as a general weight loss plan is still controversial.
What are the drawbacks?
Ketogenic dieter can experience the keto flu which is the result of the body adapting to the low-carb condition. Usually the symptoms lasts for about a week, but for some people, the keto flu can last even longer. The most common symptoms are headache, weakness, irritability, constipation, nausea, and vomiting.
Other symptoms can include fatigue, irregular menstrual cycles, sleep issues and loss of electrolytes such as sodium, magnesium, and potassium through frequent and increased urination as a compensation mechanism of the body to remove ketones. This diet can lead also to yo-yo dieting becasue people cannot stay on a restrictive diet for long time. Lastly, the consequences in the long term of eating such a high intake of saturated fats are not yet clear.
How is it different than the Atkins Diet?
This two diet are quite similar because they tend to reduce as much as possible the carbohydrates intake but few differences are noted. The Atkins diet is divided in different phases where the amount of carbs is gradually reintroduced from 20g to 100g per day. While in the Keto diet the amount of carbs should be kept within 20 to 50g per day.
In both diet you don’t have to count your calories intake, but on Keto diet, you need to divide in the right percentages the calories coming from fat and protein.
How realistic is the Paleo Diet?
For many people who follow the Paleo diet it is not easy to stay on track, especially if they have to eat out or travel. The variety of food you are allowed to eat is very limited and it is not easy to adhere to it to long term.
What are the benefits?
Differents studies were done in the past, but it is difficult to make any firm conclusion since those had some limitations. There was a small number of participats, the duration was very short, some studies couldn’t include the control group and in some the results were not always statistically significant. In the studies different health benefit were noted: weight and waist circumference loss, positive effect on cholesterol and tryglicerides, reduction of fatty liver, improvements in insulin sensitivity and glycemic control. However, other studies are needed to understand the long-term, overall health benefits and possible risks of this diet.
What are the drawbacks?
In the Paleo diet whole grains and legumes are completely excluded with a consequent reduction of good source of insoluber fiber, vitimin and minerals. This diet is also free of any source of milk and dairy which are good sources of protein and calcium. In the short term people may experience low energy level and bad breath, because the body has to adjust to the new fuel for the energy production. Moreover, change in bowel habits can be observed as a result of the low insoluble fiber intake. In addition to this, a diet high in animal protein may increase the production of insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF-1), which has been linked to cancer and cardiovascular diseases.
What exactly can you eat on the Mediterranean Diet?
On Mediterranean diet you can have a variety of foods: fresh fruit and vegetables, legumes, wholegrains, nuts, extravirgin olive oil, few lean sources of animal protein (chicken or turkey), fresh oily fish (salmon, tuna, sardine, herring, mackerel, anchovy, trout), a reduced amount of red meat and saturated fats, few processed foods or refined sugars.
What are the benefits?
Different studies shows that eating this diet can lower the risk of certain health condition.
The high amount of vitamin and antioxidant provided by fruit and vegetables, may help during the oxidation precesses in the body. Also, since they are loaded with fiber, they are helpful in reducing the LDL blood cholesterol and improve the blood sugar level, as demonstrated in different studies. Fiber plays also other important roles, for example it is beneficial to ease the constipation by regulating the intestinal transit; it helps to fill your stomach during meal, so you can control better your food intake and it can contribute to intestinal health, by selecting good and bad bacteria. Additionally, extravirgin olive oil, nuts, seeds and oily fish, contain good fats which have proven healt benefit in reducing inflammation, lowering high blood pressure, improving brain function and reducing the risk of cancer.
Are there any drawbacks?
Following a Mediterranean diet doesn’t have any negative effect on health status, because the diet is packed with fresh and healthy foods which brings good nutrients into the body.
How doable is it?
The Mediterranean diet is very easy to follow because you can have everything in moderation choosing among a variety of foods.
How different is this diet than the Flexitarian diet?
This diet can be considered quite similar to the flexitarian diet, because both are loaded with fruit, vegetables, wholegrain, nuts and extravirgin olive oil. The difference reside in the amount of animal protein consumed per day. In the Flexitarian diet it is just few times a week, while in the Mediterranean diet you can have lean poultry, fish, eggs, milk and dairy in moderation every day.
What exactly is the DASH diet?
The DASH Diet which mean Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension, is a diet created with the purpose to test the effect of a diet rich in plant-based foods on blood pressure.
Who should follow this diet?
The DASH Diet can be followed by people who want to prevent or treat hypertension, which is the high blood pressure, and reduce their risk of heart disease.
How doable is it?
The DASH Diet is a very feasible diet because you can eat almost everything in moderation choosing among a variety of foods. On this diet you are supposed to reduce your salt intake, but it is very easy when you have a variety of herbs and spices available to make your food tastier.
What can you eat and not eat while on this diet?
The DASH diet focuses on vegetables, fruits, whole grains and lean protein like chicken, fish and beans. The diet is low in red meat, salt, added sugars and fat. This diet encourage the consumption of not more than 1 teaspoon of salt and 2300 mg of sodium per day.
What are the health benefits?
Different health benefits are associated to the DASH Diet. Since this plan is rich in fruit and vegetables, the high fiber content may help in protect from various type of cancer, may help to ease the constipation and contribute to intestinal health and selection of god and bad bacteria. The role of fruit and vegetables is also important in reducing LDL blood cholesterol and improve the blood sugar level, as demonstrated in different studies. Additionally, extravirgin olive oil, nuts, seeds and oily fish, contain good fats which have proven healt benefit in reducing inflammation, lowering high blood pressure reducing the risk of heart disease and stroke.